[?], Arthur
Abbott, Mary, 1921-2019
Achilles (mythological character)
Ackerman, Fleming Wilson, 1863-1946
Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Circus
Adam Forepaugh Shows
Adams, Charles
Adams, George A.
Adams, Lucy, 1861-1954
Adams, Sarah, 1863 or 1864-1938
Adduci, Patricia B.
Adirondack Park Agency (N.Y.)
Agra, Zuluma
Aikan, O. L.
Ajax (mythological character)
Akadēmia Athēnōn
Akerstrom, Ullie
Al G. Barnes Wild Animal Circus
Aldan, Daisy
Alden, Darius Abner, 1842-1926
Alden, Emile Anna, 1853-1928
Alexander, Fritz W., II, 1926-2000
Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C.
Allen, Greg
Allen, Henry W., U.S. deputy marshall
Allyne, Jessie
Alphonse, Gerald
Alpine, Beatrice
Alpine, Pearl
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Colonization Society
American Hydrotherm
American Missionary Association
Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation
Anderson, R. C.
Anderson, Warren M. (Warren Mattice), 1915-2007
Andrews, Billy
Anne Stuart, 1665-1714
Anne, of Brittany, 1477-1514
Anson, Burlingame, 1820-1870
Anti-dramshop Party
Anti-dramshop Party (N.Y.)
Antique Comb Collectors Club (U.S.)
Antoine, Louis
Apollo (deity)
Arcaris, Gustavo, 1854-1941
Arcaris, Kate
Arcaris, Rosena
Ariadne (mythological character)
Aristogeiton, ?-514 B.C.
Aristotle, 385 B.C.E.-323 B.C.E.
Arivos, Felix
Arlington, Amy
Arnatauyok, Germaine
Artemis (deity)
Artzybasheff, Boris, 1899-1965
Ascham, Roger, 1515-1568
Ashbery, John, 1927-2017
Asher, Elise, 1914-2004
Asklepios (deity)
Athena (deity)
Atkinson, Maude
Atlas, Sheldon, Dr.
Attila, c.400-453
Auger, George, 1881-1922
Averbuck, Nathan Earl
Axelrod, David, 1935-1994
Ayers, Zulu
Aymar, Fred
Babel, A. O., approximately 1856-1896
Bachman, Mary
Baclanova, Olga, 1896-1974
Bacon, Roger, 1214-1294
Bagasra, Theresa
Bahney, Jennifer
Bailey, James, 1890-1964
Bakelite Company
Bakke, Allan Paul, 1940-
Baldwin, Barney
Ball, David
Balmoral Castle (Scotland)
Bank of England
Baptiste, Hugo, 1879-1916
Barlow, William, 1852-
Barnett, Charley
Barnett, Jack
Barnum and Bailey Circus
Barnum Museum (Bridgeport, Conn.)
Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810-1891
Barnum's American Museum
Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly
Barry, Dolly
Barth, Elsie
Bartlett, B. A.
Basilica di S. Giovanni in Laterano
Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano
Bates, Martin Van Buren, 1837-1919
Baths of Caracalla (Rome, Italy)
Baum, Benjamin Ward
Baum, Cynthia Stanton
Baum, Elisabeth Dattan
Baum, Frank Joslyn, 1883-1958
Baum, Harry Neal
Baum, Henry Clay
Baum, John W.
Baum, Kenneth Gage
Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919
Baum, Lulu Aggie
Baum, Maud Gage
Baum, Robert S. (Robert Stanton), 1886-1958
Bayard, Pierre Terrail, 1473-1524
Baylor University
Bedar, Selena
Bell, Annie
Bellovary, Cathy
Benjamin, Ashbury
Berengaria, 1163-1230
Bernays, Anne, 1930-
Berry, Bobby
Berry, Eugene
Bertram Mills Circus
Betra, Millie
Bevan, Mary Ann, 1874-1933
Bibrowski, Stephan
Billard, E. Thomas
Bishop, Sam
Bishop, Silis
Black, Clint
Blanche, of Castile, 1188-1252
Blenheim Palace (England)
Blitch, Alpine, -1932
Bloor, Ella Reeve, 1862-1951
Blumenthal, Albert H., 1928-1984
Boak, Barbara
Bobbett, Walter
Boeing Airplane Company
Bolʹshoĭ teatr SSSR. Balet
Boleyn, Anne, 1507-1536
Bolle, Robert
Bolles, Anna
Bolling Field (Washington, D.C.)
Bolm, Adolf, 1884-1951
Bonaparte, Napoléon-François-Charles-Joseph, 1811-1832
Bonaparte, Napoléon, 1769-1821
Bonaz, Auguste
Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820
Borden Company
Boston College
Boston University
Boswell, Ricky
Boughton, Helen
Bowan, Frank
Bowen, Eli, 1844-1924
Bowman, Jeanie Gail, Dr.
Bradeen, J. C.
Brawley, Tawana
Bregant, Inez
Bregant, Jean
Bridgeport (elephant)
Briggs, Ada
Bristol, Fannie
British Museum
Broadbent, Betty, 1909-1983
Brockman, Thomas, 1879-
Brodie, Gandy, 1925-1975
Brooks, William H.
Browder, Andrew, 193?-2019
Browder, Earl, 1891-1973
Browder, Felix E., 1927-2016
Browder, Gladys Grove
Browder, Raissa Irene
Browder, William, 1934-
Brown Machine Company
Brown, Benjamin
Brown, Gordon
Brown, Jim, 1936-2023
Brown, Marie
Bruderhof Communities
Brunehaut, 543-613
Brunstag, H.
Bryan, E. H.
Bryan, W. B. (Wilhelmus Bogart), 1854-1938
Buchanan, Fred
Buck, John, -1856
Buckingham Palace (London, England)
Bucknell University
Bunker, Chang, 1811-1874
Bunker, Eng, 1811-1874
Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 1475-1564
Burdett, Fannie
Burdett, Major
Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792
Burkhardt, Martin
Burlington House (London, England)
Burnham, Henry W., 1820-1897
Burt, Jonathan, 1806-1886
Bush, George H. W., 1924-2018
Bushman, Edwin F.
Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar Núñez, active 16th century
Caernarfon Castle (Caernarfon, Wales)
Caldwell, Emma
Caldwell, Frank
Caley, Arthur James, 1837-1889
Calley, William Laws, 1943-
Camerlin, Avilla T.
Campbell Bros. Circus
Campbell, Stacy Dean
Canning, George, 1770-1827
Cannon, Jack, 1943-
Cappella Sistina (Vatican Palace, Vatican City)
Caproni, Giorgio, 1912-1990
Carey, Hugh L., 1919-2011
Carnihan, Bertha
Carpenter, Julia Gage, 1851-1931
Carson, Jean
Carter, Belle
Castelar, Emilio, 1832-1899
Castleman, B.
Catedral de Morelia
Cathédrale de Chartres
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 95 B.C.E.-46 B.C.E.
Cavalier, Lizzie
Cavalier, William
Caxton, William, 1422-1491
Chanfrau, Frank, 1824-1884
Chanfrau, Henry Trenchard, 1858-1901
Chang, Woo Gow, 1841-1893
Chapman, Ceil
Charlemagne, 742-814
Charles I, 1600-1649
Charles II, 1630-1685
Charles IX, 1550-1574
Charles VII, 1403-1461
Chas. M. Higgins & Co., Inc.
Château d'Amboise (Amboise, France)
Château d'Azay-le-Rideau (France)
Château de Blois (Blois, France)
Château de Chambord (Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France)
Château de Fontainebleau (Fontainebleau, France)
Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte (Maincy, France)
Château de Versailles (Versailles, France)
Chaucer, Geoffrey, c.1343-1400
Che Mah, 1838-1926
Chief (pony)
Childs, Avery
Choung Chi Lang
Church of Peterboro (Peterboro, N.Y.)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 B.C.E.-43 B.C.E.
Cincinnati Milacron
Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
Clark, George Leo, Jr.
Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818
Clark, Maggie
Clark, Margarite
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, -30 B.C.
Clofullia, Josephine
Clovis, circa 466-511
Clyde Beatty Circus
Clyde, Tom
Coates J.
Coates, J.
Coca-Cola Company
Coca-Cola USA
Col. Lew Alter's Sideshows
Cole Bros. Circus
Colgate University
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Ma.)
College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Mass.)
Columbus, Christopher, 1451-1506
Composites Consulting Inc.
Connatto, Delores
Cook, Smith, Capt., 1856-1921
Cooley, Harry
Cooper Jackson Shows
Cooper, Bailey, & Co. Circus
Ćopić, Vladimir, 1891-1939
Corbin, Myrtle 1868-1928
Cordier, Robert, 1933-
Cornell University
Corning, Erastus, 2d, 1909-1983
Cortina, Mary
Costello, Dave
Costentenus, George
Cotter, Patrick, 1759 or 1760-1806
Cowan, W. D.
Crane, Cora, 1865 or 6-1910
Crane, J. T. (Jonathan Townley), 1819-1880
Crane, Mary Helen Peck, 1827-1891
Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Crawford, Finla
Crockett, Davy, 1786-1836
Crockett, James, 1835-1865
Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658
Cromwell, Richard, 1626-1712
Crotty, Gerald C.
Crouse, G. Atlee
Crouse, Nellie
Crozier, Hiram P.
Cruse, Jen
Csonka, Larry
Cuesta, Jorge, 1903-1942
Cummins' Wild West Shows
Cunningham, Patrick J., -2002
Cuomo, Mario Matthew, 1932-2015
Cuomo, Matilda, 1931-
Cyrus II, approximately 600 B.C.E.-530 B.C.E.
Cyrus, Billy Ray, 1961-
D'Amato, Alfonse Marcello, 1937-
D'Andrea, William
Dale, W. M.
Dalton, Dorothy, 1893-1972
Dan Rice's Circus
Daphni (Monastery)
Dare, Leona
Dartmouth College
Davis, Barney, 1827-1912
Davis, Ernie, 1939-1963
Davis, Hiram, 1825-1905
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889
Davis, Maggie
Davis, Roger
Davis, Ruth,1910-
Day, George, 1860-
Day, James Roscoe, 1845-1923
De Forest, Lee, 1873-1961
De Kooning, Elaine, 1918-1989
De Kooning, Willem, 1904-1997
De La Cruz, Gregoria
De La Cruz, Juan
De La Cruz, Martina
Dean, Billy, 1962-
Deck, E. McGarry, F. J.
Decker, Charles
Del Rio, Carmen
Del Rio, Delores
Del Rio, Paul
Delbello, Alfred, 1934-2015
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Demosthenes, 384 B.C.E.-322 B.C.E.
Denslow, W. W. (William Wallace), 1856-1915
Devere, Jane
Devin, Kate
Diallo, Amadou, 1975-1999
Diamond (horse)
Dietz, A. G. H.
Dionysus (deity)
Doll, Gracie, 1899-1970
Doll, Tiny, 1914-2004
Dolly (cow)
Domino's Pizza
Doran, Dave, 1910-1938
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Downie Bros. Circus
Downs, Ella
Dreamland Circus
Dreamland Circus Sideshow
Du Bois, Harry J.
Du Guesclin, Bertrand, 1320-1380
Duane, John
Dunn, Phebe
Dunz, Christiana
Duvall, D. S.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
Earle, Jack
Earles, Daisy 1907-1980
Earles, Harry, 1902-1985
Eastman Kodak
Eastman Kodak Company
Eaton Hall (England)
Eberle, Abastenia St. Leger, 1878-1942
Eberling, Robert
Eckhardt, John, Jr., 1911-1991
Edmonds, Louis, 1923-2001
Edward V, 1470-1483
Eff, Doris, 1917-
Electro Importing Co.
Elektra (mythological character)
Eliassen, R.
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926-
Ellis, Dorothy Jane
Elmslie, Kenward, 1929-
Emergency Financial Control Board
Emery, James
Emmett, Donald
Endicott, H. B. (Henry Bradford), 1853-1920
Epplesheimer, D. S.
Erechtheion (Athens, Greece)
Erechtheum (Athens, Greece)
Ethnikē Vivliothēkē tēs Hellados
Euripides, 480 B.CE.-406 B.C.E.
Evans, Alva
Evans, Lavonda
Ewing, Ella Kate, 1872-1913
Farini, Krao
Farley, James A. (James Aloysius), 1888-1976
Fehrenach, Ludwig
Ferguson, W. J. (William J.), 1845-1930
Ferraro, Geraldine A., 1935-2011
Fiberglass Tooling and Specialties
Fields, Lew, 1867-1941
Fink, Mike, 1770-1823?
Fink, Stanley, 1936-1997
Finley, Mina, 1870-
Finley, Minnie, 1870-
Fischer, Violet
Fisher, Lucy
Florida State College for Women
Florida State University
Flynn, Francis Joseph
Ford, James W., 1893-1957
Fordham University
Forgey, Cathy
Fortune Magazine
Foster, Dudley
Fox, Marlene
Frances, Marie
Francesini, Edi
Frankenthaler, Helen, 1928-2011
Franklin, Susan
Fraser, James Earle, 1876-1953
Fraser, Laura Gardin, 1889-1966
Frederick II, 1712-1786
Freilicher, Jane, 1924-2014
Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890
Frenger, Lynn
Frizelle, William G.
G. B. Bunnell's Museum
Galleria Doria Pamphilj
Gallien, Shelby
Gardiner, Eleanor, 1919-2008
Gardner D.
Gardner, Donald E
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881
Garrigue, Jean, 1912-1972
Garrow, Robert, 1936-1978
Gaspar, Mary C.
Gen. Tom Thumb's Museum
General American Transportation Corporation
General Electric Company
George Washington University
George, Harrison, 1888-
Germanos, Ellen
Gernsback, Hugo, 1884-1967
Gibb, Margaret, 1912-1967
Gibb, Mary, 1912-1967
Gibbons, Artoria, 1893-1985
Gibbons, Sharon
Gigliotti, M. F. X.
Gigliotti, Michael F. X.
Glamis Castle (Scotland)
Godbolt, John
Goetz, Bernhard
Goodenough, Walter
Goodyear, Charles, 1800-1860
Gould, Lorraine Manville
Grabel, Arvin, 1935-
Grace, Charity, 1879-1965
Graham Engineering Corporation
Graham, Essie
Graham, William P., 1871-1962
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Gray, Katharine
Great Wallace Shows
Greco, 1541?-1614
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872
Green, Alyora
Green, Belva
Green, Beriah, 1795-1874
Green, Norman
Greenpeace USA
Gregor, Arthur 1923-2013
Griffin, Robin
Gropper, William, 1897-1977
Guggenheim, Peggy, 1898-1979
Guise, Henri, duc de, 1550-1588
Gutenberg, Johann, 1397-1468
Haag Brothers Circus
Haag, Henry, 1896-1954
Haag, Roy, 1891-1947
Hachette, Jeanne, 1454-15??
Hades (deity)
Hadley, Charles
Hadley, Danny
Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus
Hague, Norma
Haller, Gary L.
Hallock, Agnes
Hameau de la reine (Versailles, France)
Hamilton, Erastus Hapgood, 1821-1894
Hamilton, Harley
Hanner, W. H. Kidd
Hanover, Zulida
Hanstein, Leonard
Hardy, James, 1875-1939
Harlow, Martin
Harper, Ella, 1870-1921
Harpman, Jack
Harrell, Dana Jon
Harry, Gary L.
Hart, Joseph, 1861-1921
Hartigan, Grace, 1922-2008
Hassall, John
Hassid, Pasha Hayati,1852-
Haywood, Mavis
Heath, Thomas Kurton, 1853-1938
Hecht, Leon
Heil, Gunter
Hellman, Robert
Hennigar, Wilma
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Henry I, 1068-1135
Henry II, 1519-1559
Henry IV, 1050-1106
Henry IV, 1553-1610
Henry VII, 1457-1509
Henry VIII, 1491-1547
Henry, O.
Hermes (deity)
Herodotus, approximately 485 B.C.E.-424 B.C.E.
Hicks, Granville, 1901-1982
Higgins, Elmyra, 1798-1884
Hildebrandt, Nora
Hill, Amelia
Hilton, Daisy, 1908-1969
Hilton, Violet, 1908-1969
Hobart, Lily
Hobart, Twyla
Hochberg, Alan
Hodgin, Andora
Holbrook, Mark
Holley, Myron, 1779-1841
Horr, Bill, 1880-1955
Hosmer, Ida
Hôtel de ville (Tours, France)
Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926
Houghton, S. E.
House, James, 1955-
Howard, Annie
Howard, Delia
Howard, Frank
Howe, Fred
Howe, Robert
Howe's Great London Circus
Hoyer, Charlotte
Huber's Museum
Hughes, Robert Earl, 1926-1958
Huntington, Anna Hyatt, 1876-1973
Huntington, Archer M. (Milton), 1870-1955
Hutchins, John P.
Huzza, Robert
Hyatt, Alpheus, 1838-1902
Hyatt, Audella Beebe, 1840-1932
Hyatt, Harriet Randolph, 1814-1901?
Ingle, G.
Ingle, George W.
Ingram, Willie
Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938
Iowa State University
Isaacson, Suzanne Carter
Isabella, of Bavaria, 1370-1435
Itsukushima Jinja (Hatsukaichi-shi, Japan)
Jachens, Jeffrey
Jackson Machinery
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
Jackson, C. H.
Jackson, Harry, 1924-2011
Jackson, Jesse Louis, 1941-
Jackson, Mildred
James E. Strates Shows
James M. June & Co. Circus
James, George
James, Victoria
Jean II, 1319-1364
Jeanne, d'Arc, Saint, 1412-1431
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Jeftichew, Fedor, 1868-1904
Jensen, Dorothy?, 1909-1952
Jerome, Moses
Jerry Rescue Committee (Syracuse, N.Y.)
Jesus Christ
John G. Woodward & Co.
John Humphrey Noyes, 1869-1940
John Robinson's Circus
Johnson, George F. (George Francis), 1857-1948
Johnson, George W., 1880-1953
Johnson, Mary McGlone
Johnson, Renee Elizabeth
Johnson, William Henry, 1857-1926
Jones Brother's World Toured Shows
Jones, Annie, 1865-1902
Jones, Harry
Joseph, Saint
Joyard, Clement, Monsieur
Julian, Linda Jeal, 1852-1941
Jumbo (elephant)
Juno (deity)
Jutro, P.
Kahn, Leopold, -1918
Kahn, Samuel
Kaiser, E.
Kaiser, Elmer R.
Kann, Frederick, 1884-1965
Kantor, Robert
Karas, Albert Alberta
Karlavagn, George
Kasuga Taisha (Nara-shi, Japan)
Katz-Schwartz, Judith
Kaufman, Herman S., Dr.
Keeler, Nellie, 1875-1903
Kelly, Annie E., 1852-1931
Kelly, R. E.
Kelly, William, 1833-1906
Kelter, Hanka
Kemerer, Kathy
Kenilworth Castle (Kenilworth, England)
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Kennedy, William A.
Kent, Virginia
Keras, John
Kersey, George Russell
Keville, Jack
Khram Vasilii︠a︡ Blazhennogo (Moscow, Russia)
King, Amanda
King, Elora Mary
Kinsley, Albert, 1801-1882
Kinsley, Jane, 1831-1928
Kiralfy Brothers
Kittredge, Alfred B. (Alfred Beard), 1861-1911
Klinkhart's Troupe of Midgets
Koch, Edward Irving, 1924-2013
Koch, Kenneth, 1925-2002
Kokkai Gijidō (Tokyo, Japan)
Kōkyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Kongee, Leo
Kopitke, William
Kork, Bobby
Kossuth, Lajos, 1802-1894
Koszta, Martin, 1819-1858
Krarer, Olof, 1858-1935
Kriel, Patty
Kunkel, Gladys
La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695
La France, Eva
La France, Joe-Ann
La Musée de Peigne et de la Plasturgie d'Oyonnax
Lafayette College (Easton, Northampton County, Pa.)
Lake, Etta
Lamar, Millie
Lang, V. R. (Violet Ranney), 1924-1956
Lansing, Gerrit 1928-
Lataska, Lulu
Latouche, John, 1914-1956
Lauer, Keith
Laughlin, Anna, 1885-1937
Le Mayeur, Jean, 1880-1958
Leach, Bobby, 1858-1926
Legislative Correspondents' Association of the State of New York
Lehrman, Lewis
Lentini, Francesco A., 1881-1966
Leo XIII, Pope, 1810-1903
Leona, Nellie
Leonard, Charlotte Miller, 1846-1928
Leslie, Alfred, 1927-
Leslie, Frank
Leslie, Rose
Levasseur, George
Libberro, Jean
Liberty Machinery
Liberty Party (U.S. : 1840-1848)
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Linnie, Vin
Linson, Corwin Knapp, 1864-1959
Linus (horse)
Linus II (horse)
Lippert, George
Little, Floyd
Little, Floyd, 1942-
Littlefinger, Samuel, 1850-
Lobon, John
Long Island Power Authority
Longley, Thomas
Loos, Arthur
Louis IX, 1214-1270
Louis XI, 1423-1483
Louis XIV, 1638-1715
Lowman, Beverly
LuBow, Betty F.
Lucasie, Rudolph
Lundine, Stan N., 1939-
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Luti, Zula
MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964
Machiz, Herbert
Mack, Andrew, 1863-1931
Mack, Anna
Mack, George E., 1866-1948
Mackey, John, 1941-2011
MacWilkie, Alistair
Madison State Normal School
Madison, Dolley, 1768-1849
Magri, Giuseppe, 1851-1928
Magri, M. Lavinia (Mercy Lavinia), 1841-1919
Magri, Primo
Maguire, H. S.
Mahomet (horse)
Malmaison (Rueil-Malmaison, France)
Malone, Milton
Maloney, Joe
Manes, Donald, 1934-1986
Marbon Chemical division of Borg-Warner
Marcus, Beth
Marie de Médicis, 1575-1642
Marie Drouin
Marie Louise, 1791-1847
Mark, Herman F.
Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Mascot (horse)
Masher, Eddie
Mautino, Fred
Mautino, Lou
Mayor, Harriet H. (Hyatt), 1868-1960
Mazarin, Jules, 1602-1661
McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957
McCoy, Christine, 1851-1912
McCoy, Millie, 1851-1912
McDaniels, Grace, 1888-1958
McGarry, F. J.
McGill, Bucky
McGill, Clarence
McGivern, Gary, 1944-2001
McGraw, Tim, 1967-
McGuire, John
McIntyre, James, 1857-1937
McKee, J. E.
Meacham, Anne, 1925-2006
Medea (mythological character)
Melbournia, Fred
Meleke, Zoe
Melrose Abbey
Memling, Hans, 1430?-1494
Mercury (deity)
Merrill, James, 1926-1995
Merriman, Robert Hale
Meyer III, J. Edward, 1935-
Meyer, E. G.
Michaels, Ed
Michaelson, John C.
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564
Michigan State University
Middlecoff, Landon, 1857-1885
Mikimoto Shinjujima (Firm)
Miller, Ben
Miller, Betty Albertus, 1933-2019
Miller, Dick (Richard)
Miller, Ellen
Miller, Richard E. (Richard Edward), 1875-1943
Mills, Fanny
Minerva (deity)
Minor, Robert, 1884-1952
Minott, Maggie, 1859-1908
Mitchell, Mary Andrews
Moilanen, Louis, 1902-1975
Mondale, Walter
Monroe, Caddie
Monroe, L. N.
Monsanto Company
Montgomery, Irene
Moore, George
Moore, Patti
Moretz, Henriette
Morgan, J. L.
Morlan, Chauncey, 1869-1912
Morrill, Herbert S., 1867-1927
Morrill, Horace B., 1867-1902
Morris, Emma
Morris, Hazel
Morris, Jackie
Morris, Martha, 1902-1937
Morrison, Mary
Moses, Blanche Gray, 1866-1883
Muhammad, Alif
Mulock, Alfred
Municipal Assistance Corporation for the City of New York
Murphey, Francis
Murphy, S.
Murphy, Sheldon D.
Murray, James
Murray, John
Murray, Joseph
Muse, George, 1890-1971
Muse, Willie, 1893-2001
Musée du Louvre
Musée Rodin
Museo del Prado
Myers, Amos
Myers, John Bernard, 1920-1987
Myers, Viola
Nadjari, Maurice H., 1924-2019
Nance, Jim
National Governors’ Association
Navarro, David
Neidlinger, W. H. (William Harold), 1863-1924
Nelson, Barney
Nesbitt, Charles H.
Nestel, Charles, 1848-1937
Nestel, Eliza S., 1857-1937
New England Non-Resistance Society
New York (State)--Modern Times (Collective settlement)
New York (State). Crime Victims Compensation Board
New York (State). Department of Correctional Services
New York (State). Department of Environmental Conservation
New York (State). Department of Motor Vehicles
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on Ways and Means
New York (State). Moreland Act Commission on Nursing Homes and Residential Facilities
New York (State). Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
New York (State). Office of Children and Family Services
New York (State). Public Service Commission
New York (State). Temporary Commission of Investigation
New York City Transit Authority
New York State Anti-Slavery Society
New York State Housing Finance Agency
New York State Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO
New York State Urban Development Corporation
New York Telephone Company
New York, Ontario, and Western Railway Co.
New-York Tribune
Newell, Edmund
Newsweek, inc.
Newton Bros. Circus
Newton, Al, Jr.
Nichols, Bobb
Nickloy, Cynthia, 1902-1961
Nixon, Richard M., 1913-1994
Nolan, Catherine T., 1958-
Norman's Museum
Norris Bros. Dog and Pony Show
Northrop Corporation
Notre-Dame de Paris (Cathedral)
Noyes, George Langstaff, 1879-1919
Noyes, Gertrude Hayes, 1871-1951
Noyes, Harriet Ann, 1808-1895
Noyes, Holton Van Velzer, 1871-1953
Noyes, John Humphrey, 1811-1886
Noyes, Pierrepont, 1870-1959
Nutt, George Washington Morrison, 1848-1881
Nyquist, Ewald B., 1914-1987
O'Connor, Frances Belle, 1914-1982
O'Hara, Frank, 1926-1966
Odell, Elmer
Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
Odin (deity)
Odum, E. P.
Odum, Eugene P.
Odysseus (mythological character)
Ohrenstein, Manfred, 1925-
Olliveaud, Catherine
Oneida Community
Oregon State University
Orestes (mythological character)
Orr, Noah, 1836-1882
Overdurff, Harry
Owen, Nellie
Owens-Illinois Glass Company
Owens, John
P. T. Barnum's Great Moral Show
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan, 1860-1941
Palace of Wonders Museum
Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico City, Mexico)
Palácio de Queluz (Museum : Queluz, Portugal)
Palácio Nacional da Pena (Portugal)
Panczyszyn, Richard
Panepistēmio Athēnōn
Panthéon (Paris, France)
Parnell, Lee Roy
Parnell, William
Parthenon (Art museum : Nashville, Tenn.)
Parthenon (Athens, Greece)
Pasilis, Felix
Pataki, George Elmer, 1945-
Paul, Henry
Pennsylvania State University
Pepin, Rosemary Mazzaferro
Pericles, circa 495 B.C.E.-429 B.C.E.
Perseus (mythological character)
Petit Trianon (Versailles, France)
Petroff, Olga
Petty, Nellie M.
Phillips, A. W.
Phillips, E. E.
Phillips, Eugene F.
Phoon, Mah
Phoset, Moung
Pinon, Pasqual, 1889-1929
Pitcher, Mary
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Plath, Gertrude
Plax Corp. division of Hartford Empire Co.
Plummer, Hal, Jr.
Poitras, Pierre Albert
Pollock, Nancy, 1902-1979
Pontico, Ruth
Popeye (Fictitious character)
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Poseidon (deity)
Power Authority of the State of New York
Power's Elephants
Powers, John H., 1858-
Powers, Mary Jane, 1848-
Prescott, Douglas W., 1951-
Price, Garrett, 1896-1979
Princeton University
Prindle, Mary Louise
Prior, J. J., Mrs.
Probasco, E. L.
Proserpina (deity)
Pulido, Dionisio
Pushnik, Frieda Katherine, 1923-2000
Putnam, Brenda, 1890-1975
Pyramid Management Group
Quigley, Jennie
Quillinan, Francis Joseph
Quixote, Don (fictitious character)
Radio League of America
Ramparsad, Laloo
Randolph, Alex, 1922-2004
Raphaël, 1483-1520
Rarey, Annette
Ray, Jennie, 1871-1915
Ray, William H., 1860-1936
Reagan, Ronald, 1911-2004
Reber, Clancy
Reed, Elsie
Reese, Joy
Rehmann, Jacqueline
Reid, Ogden Rogers, 1925-2019
Reil, Margaret
Reliance Electric
Rembrandt, Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669
Republican Monitor
Republican Party (N.Y.)
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- )
Reynolds, Ettie
Reynolds, Hazel
Reynolds, Jenny
Rice, Augusta
Rice, Dan, 1823-1900
Rice, Herman
Richard III, 1452-1485
Richards, M. C. (Mary Caroline), 1916-1999
Richardson Company
Richardson, Trixie
Rickoff, Ruby Bell
Rihnback, J.
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Ringling Brothers Circus
Ringo, Jim
Ripley Entertainment, Inc.
Ritchie, Bertha
Rivers, Larry, 1925-2002
Robbins, Phyllis
Robinson, Charles, 1868-
Robinson, George
Robinson, John
Robinson, Samuel
Robinson, William O., -1928
Rogers, Maggie
Roland, F. C.
Rooney, Carrie
Rooney, John
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Rorem, Ned, 1923-
Rose Drouin
Roth, Dick
Rothrock, Renee
Royers, Archie
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640
Rubie (horse)
Rubin, Irvin I.
Rutgers University
Ruy, Robert
Ryan, Anne, 1889-1954
Saint-Gatien (Cathedral : Tours, France)
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907
Salame, Morris
Sami, Perumal
San Paolo fuori le mura (Church : Rome, Italy)
Sanders, Lee
Santa Prisca (Church : Taxco de Alarcón, Mexico)
Sarofim, Adel F.
Sawyer, Alice, 1899-1985
Scallen, Ann
Schapiro, Miriam, 1923-2015
Schickler, W. J.
Schmidt, Agnes C.
Schmidt, Delaine
Schnitzler, Paul, 1935-
Schoonover, William
Schultz, Sophia
Schuyler, James, 1923-1991
Schwartz, Herman
Schwartzwalder, Ben
Schwartzwalder, Ben, 1909-1993
Schwedes, Gerhard
Scott, Buster
Seils Sterling Circus
Sells-Floto Circus
Semm, Annie
Semm, Ruto
Serra, Junípero, Saint, 1713-1784
Sevilla, Carmen, 1930-
Seymour, Chloe, 1834-1909
Shade, Frank, 1852-1924
Shade, Sarah, 1872-1945
Shapiro, Linda
Shaverien, Adele
Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 1820-1891
Shields, Shadrick Archibald
Shook, Gerald D.
Siegel, Mark Alan, 1944-
Silver, Walter, 1923-1998
Silverman, Sylvia
Siri, W.
Skelton, Lloyd Clifford,1923-1995
Skinner, Harriet Hayes, 1817-1893
Slity, Sadie
Smith, Catherine Alice
Smith, Erwin
Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874
Smith, Howard K., 1914-2002
Smith, Mildred
Smith, Peter, 1768-1837
Smith, Tom
Smith, Valetta
Smylie, James, 1780-1853
Sodrie, Tom
Sorolla, Joaquín, 1863-1923
Soule, Robert
Sparks Circus
Sprague, Isaac W., 1841-1887
St. Bonaventure University
St. Martin-in-the-Fields (Church : Westminster, London, England)
St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England)
Stanton, Lu Ann
Starr, Harrison
State University of Kentucky
State University of New York
State University of New York at Buffalo
Steere, Rebecca Ann Myers, 1853-1927
Steere, Reuben Allen, 1838-1915
Steere, William Henry Harrison, 1840-1922
Steinberg, Barbara
Stephens, Thomas
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, 1730-1794
Stiles, Grady, 1937-1992
Stone, Edwin
Stone, Fred, 1873-1959
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896
Stratton, Charles Sherwood, 1838-1883
Stuart, Walter
Stucker, Harry
Stull, George L.
Supernaw, Doug, 1960-2020
Surtees, Schlitzie, 1901-1971
Sutherland, Dora
Sutherland, Fletcher
Sutherland, Grace
Sutherland, Isabella
Sutherland, Mary
Sutherland, Naomi
Sutherland, Sarah
Sutherland, Victoria
Sutliff, Elsie
Swan, Anna, 1846-1888
Syracuse University
Taft, Russ
Taibosh, Franz
Taibosh, Franz, -1940
Tarantino, Eleander
Tarr, Stella
Tarver, James Grover,1885-1958
Taylor, Eddie
Teikoku Hoteru
Temple University
Temple, Edward J.
Ten Have, Kars
Tenzing Norkey, 1914-1986
Terry, Mary Jacquelyn
Tesla, Nikola, 1856-1943
Tetrazzini, Luisa, 1871-1940
Texas Christian University
Thayer & Noyes' Great Circus and Menagerie
The Dow Chemical Company
The University of Texas
Thoby-Marcelin, Philippe, 1904-1975
Thompson, Arthur, 1880-
Thompson, Elizabeth
Thompson, Harriet Elizabeth
Thomson, Anne E. Leak, 1839-1899
Thurston, Charles C.
Tilden, Samuel J. (Samuel Jones), 1814-1886
Tocci, Giacomo, 1877-
Tocci, Giovanni Battista, 1877-
Tom Mix Circus
Tower of London (London, England)
Townsend, C.H., Prof.
Treitler, Edwin
Treviño, Rick
Tripp, Charles B. (Charles Broton), 1855-1930
Twain, Shania, 1965-
Tyler, Parker, 1904-1974
Ullrich, Ruth
Underwood, Chester W., 1825-1901
Unification Church
Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA)
Uniloy Milacron
Unimation Inc.
United Nations
United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.)
United States Military Academy
United States Naval Academy
United States Postal Service
United States. Air Force
United States. Army of the Potomac
United States. Army. Students' Army Training Corps
United States. Congress. House
United States. Environmental Protection Agency
United States. Food and Drug Administration
United States. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
United University Professions (Association : N.Y.)
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Illinois
University of Kansas
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska--Lincoln
University of New Mexico
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Pittsburgh
University of Richmond
University of Scranton
University of Tennessee
University of Texas at Austin
Ureck, C.
Vecchi, Floriano 1920-2005
Vecchi, Floriano, 1920-2005
Velázquez, Diego, 1599-1660
Vercingetorix, approximate 80 B.C.E.-46 B.C.E.
Verne, Jules, 1828-1905
Veste Rosenberg (Kronach, Germany)
Vigilant Association of the City of New York
Villanova University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Vogel, Charlotte Linda, 1908-1976
Vogt, Virginia
Voorhis, John R.
W. W. Cole Shows
Wade, Mary Alice, 1893-1955
Wadlow, Robert Pershing, 1918-1940
Wagner, Aloisia
Wagner, Charlie, 1877-1953
Walker, Duane
Walker, Nellie
Wall Street Journal (Firm)
Wallingford Community
Walter L. Main and Van Amburg Shows
Walter L. Main Circus
Walter, Eugene, 1921-1998
Walter, R. L.
Ward, Thelma
Warner, Dr.
Warner, Hanford A.
Warren, Minnie, 1849-1878
Warwick Castle (Warwick, England)
Washburn, Corinne
Washburn, Florence
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Watchler, Solomon, 1930
Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor
Waters, Percy, 1888-1952
Watson, Dudley Crafts, 1885-1972
Watts, Robert
Weaver, William, 1923-2013
Weber, Ben, 1916-1979
Weber, Joe, 1867-1942
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852
Wechsler, Lawrence
Wedsted, Rosa,1881-
Wehrle, Felix, 1858-
Weigand, Louis
Weigand, Louis, Mrs.
Wentworth, Walter
West Virgina University
West Virginia University
West, Deborah L.
West, Lois
Westminster Abbey
Weyland, Ruth
Wharton, F. D.
Wharton, Fred D.
Wheeler, Rosemary
Whig Party (U.S.)
Whisnant, Joan, 1923-1998
White, Billy, Mrs.
Whitehall Palace (London, England)
Wiggins, Thomas Greene, 1849-1908
Wilkalis, Joe
Wilke, Hubert, 1855-1940
William I, 1028-1087
William II, 1056-1100
William II, German Emperor, 1859-1941
Williams, Betty
Williams, Frank
Williams, George, 1859-
Williams, Ida, 1853-1918
Williams, R. J.
Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983
Williams, Van, 1934-2016
Williamson, Colin J.
Wilson, Fred, 1866-1900
Wilson, Harvey
Wilson, Jack
Wilson, John
Windham, Donald, 1920-2010
Winfield, Armand G.
Winner, Mary Jane, 1878-1925
Winner, Noble George Washington, 1869-1928
Wiser, Louis
Woeller, Heidi
Wolf, Rosie
Woodward, Irene, 1863-
Wool, Sandra
Woolsey, Minnie, 1880-19??
Woolworth, William H.
Worden, Harriet Maria, 1840-1891
World Championship Wrestling, Inc.
World of Mirth Shows, Inc.
Worthy Carnival
Woshner, Mike
Wren, Nora
Wright, Fran
Wurster, C. F.
Yankee Robinson Shows
Yorck, Ruth, 1909-1966
Young, Leona
Zarate, Lucia
Zecher, George William, 1830-
Zeisnitz, Sharon
Zeleah, Zula
Zelick, Zula
Zeus (deity)
Zingara, Zula
Zinnes, Harriet
Zipprodt, Patricia, 1925-1999
Zobedia, Zoe
Zolena, Zoe
Zolutia, Aggie
Zuloaga, Ignacio, 1870-1945
Zulu, Millie